Yes, you can use epsom salts on watermelon plants. In fact, epsom salts are a great addition to almost any type of plants as it is very difficult to overdo it and harm your plants, but, in the case that they need a boost, the addition of epsom salts will help them grow.
If you are setting up a garden at home, or at an allotment, and you are growing watermelons then you will want to research the best conditions both for the soil and light to ensure that your watermelons grow to a good size and produce a sweet fruit. But ensuring that you get the right soil composition can be tricky.
Not only will you need to measure the soil composition before you plant your watermelon plants, but you will also need to keep an eye on the levels in the soil throughout the time that your plants are growing to make sure that they are not deficient in anything and that they are getting the best chance possible.
So, in this article, we will tell you all you need to know about growing watermelon plants from how to ensure that they have the correct amount of minerals in the soil to the amount of sun they need and even how to make them as sweet as possible.
Can You Use Epsom Salt on Watermelons?
If you are looking to make the most of your harvest of watermelons then you will need to provide your plants with the right conditions, this includes using epsom salt as necessary.
Epsom salts contain magnesium, which is one of the nutrients that almost all plants require, especially watermelon plants. This not only helps to ensure that your watermelon plants are healthy but also that they grow big and produce a nice dark green color.
To check the current price and availability of Epsom Salt, click here to view the listing on Amazon.
How Do You Use Epsom Salt on Watermelon Plants?
You can buy epsom salts in two forms: water-soluble epsom salts and pellets. If you have the water-soluble version of epsom salts then you will need to dilute it according to the instructions on the packet and then spread this mixture all over the soil around your plants.
If you have the pellet form then you should scatter these also according to the instructions.
If you have tested your soil and it is not lacking in magnesium then epsom salts will not help your watermelon plants and there is another underlying problem that you will need to discover and fix.
If you are not sure what this problem is you can buy an all-purpose fertilizer and try using this on your plants. This should cover a broad range of problems and hopefully resolve your issues.
How Do You Increase Watermelon Fruit Size?
One of the most important things to know when trying to increase the size of your watermelon plants is that water consumption is incredibly important. You should never let your watermelon plants get too dry and ensure that they always have enough water.
You should regularly soak your watermelon plants, ensuring that the water penetrates all the way down deep into the soil to make sure that there is plenty of water available to the plant.
You should also check for bugs which may be eating away at your fruit and which can cause significant damage if not attended to. However, the use of pesticides can also cause problems for the size of your watermelon plants, so you should always be careful when using pesticides as they can also damage the fruit.
If any part of the watermelon plants is damaged then you should remove this immediately to ensure that any problems do not spread and cause further damage to your watermelon plants.
How Do I Make My Watermelon Sweeter When Growing?
There is no point in having a big watermelon if it does not taste good. So, you will want to know just how to achieve the best and sweetest watermelons.
One way to do this is to ensure that your watermelons get the right amount of magnesium (which can be achieved through the addition of epsom salts) and also boron. Simply just giving your watermelon plants will not increase their sweetness, you must also add the boron.
Heat is another component that will help you produce sweet watermelons. You should make sure that you plant your watermelon plants in a spot that will get a lot of sunlight. Also, if you live in a climate where there isn’t a lot of sun you may also want to add in lights to help with this process.
If you have a wall or fence in your garden then you may want to plant them up against the south side of this fence or wall as the light will reflect back off of it and help your watermelons to grow big and sweet.
Final Thoughts
If you are looking at getting into growing your own watermelons then you will want to make sure that you provide them with the best conditions possible. In short, these are: a lot of sunlight, a lot of water and a well-balanced mix of minerals in the soil.
Although this may sound like a lot of work, if you ensure that you look after your watermelon plants throughout their growth, you will be rewarded when it is time to dig into them! The more attention you pay to how your watermelons are growing, such as removing bugs and dead leaves, and regularly checking the soil composition will result in beautifully sweet and large watermelons.
If you live in a place where there is little to no light for part of the year (for example, spring and fall) then it will be a lot more difficult for you to grow watermelons. In this case consider installing a greenhouse that has additional lighting to help your plants grow big and sweet. The more you look after your plants while they’re growing, the more fulfilling the end result will be.