Seasol is a plant tonic that can be used to help plants that may not be in the best of health to grow new roots. Many gardeners use this product on a daily basis to keep their flowers and plants healthy without causing harm. While this product is excellent, you need to make sure the plants you plan to use it on can handle the solution.
Can you use Seasol on crepe myrtle? If you have a crepe myrtle that isn’t looking healthy or just want to ensure it stays healthy, you can use Seasol. One of the benefits of Seasol is that it’s phosphorous-free, which means it’s safe to use on any plants you have growing in your garden.
Are you curious to know more about using Seasol on a crepe myrtle and keeping your plant healthy? You’re in the right spot. Today, we’re going to break down what you need to know about keeping a crepe myrtle tree in good condition. Keep reading to learn more.
How to Use Seasol on Your Crepe Myrtle
If you want to give your crepe myrtle Seasol, you should do so in the summer months to help with growth. Seasol is very easy to use. While some people use Seasol on a daily basis, this isn’t necessary. To keep your crepe myrtle healthy, you only need to apply it on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, which should be judged based on your tree’s condition.
Seasol is a concentrate, so it will need to be diluted with water before you use it on your crepe myrtle. The brand recommends mixing up a large batch at once and use as needed. The ideal ratio is 30 ml of Seasol concentrate per 9 liters of water.
When you use Seasol on your crepe myrtle, it’s also recommended to use a light liquid plant feed at the same time. This will help your tree grow at a healthy rate so you can enjoy its bloom.
What Is the Best Fertilizer for Crepe Myrtles?
It’s important to fertilize your crepe myrtle to ensure it’s healthy. However, if you use the wrong kind of fertilizer, you could be at risk of killing off the tree. For best results, you should choose a 10-10-10 fertilizer that includes trace minerals. If you aren’t able to find this type, an 8-8-8, 12-4-8, or 16-4-8 will also be acceptable.
If you’re not familiar with buying fertilizer, you may be wondering what these numbers mean. These 3 numbers stand for:
- Nitrogen
- Phosphate
- Potash
Each number stands for the amount that is in the fertilizer. Choosing the right fertilizer is essential to growing a healthy crepe myrtle. According to Garden Tabs, some of the best choice fertilizers for using on a crepe myrtle are:
- Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food
- Carl Poole’s Crepe Myrtle Plant Food
- Dr. Earth Flower Girl 101 Bud ; Bloom Booster
- Nelson Crape Myrtle Food Nutristar
- Osmocote 277960 Smart Release Food
To check the current price and availability of Crepe Myrtle Fertilizer, click here to view the selection on Amazon.
How Do You Fertilize a Crepe Myrtle?
To successfully fertilize a crepe myrtle, you should always do so in spring. Ideally, you should get in the habit of fertilizing a crepe myrtle tree biweekly during the spring and summer months. This schedule will encourage new growth and it’s important because these trees are heavy feeders.
The only exception to this is a new crepe myrtle that’s in its first year. With the young trees, you will only need to fertilize them once a month. This is because the roots aren’t as big, so the tree doesn’t require as many nutrients as it does when it’s aged.
After applying fertilizer, you will need to water your crepe myrtle thoroughly. If you’re also planning to give the tree Seasol and plant food, it should be done at this time. All of these steps help to promote new growth, which is essential to see a bloom, Without new growth, the tree won’t bloom the delicate flowers.
Once autumn arrives and the weather cools off, the tree will prepare for winter dormancy. You will no longer need to add fertilization to the tree or water it at this point.
How Do You Revive a Crepe Myrtle?
Does your crepe myrtle look like it may have been neglected? You’re not completely out of luck. With the right level of care, attention, and patience, you can have a beautiful growing tree again. One of the most important things to consider with a dying crepe myrtle is that it needs more nutrients and water.
To ensure it’s getting enough, apply mulch to the tree’s soil as well. Once you have done this, construct a moat around the tree that resembles a basin. This will ensure that all of the water, Seasol, and any liquid plant food goes directly to the tree. You won’t need to keep this basin intact all summer.
Make sure you fill this basin with water once a week. Do this for 4 weeks and then go back to a regular watering schedule without the moat. While this will help revive the plant for the season, you will need to prune the crepe myrtle in autumn so it grows back healthy next summer.
Final Thoughts
Can you use Seasol on a crepe myrtle? A great way to encourage new growth to your crepe myrtle is by using a product like Seasol. This is a plant tonic that is used to help sick plants grow new roots. Since this product doesn’t contain phosphorous, it can be safe to use on any plant, including a crepe myrtle.
While Seasol is a great product, it doesn’t replace the need to fertilize your crepe myrtle. Using Seasol along with a good quality fertilizer is a great solution to growing a healthy tree.
Always ensure that your crepe myrtle is getting enough water to remain healthy. These trees have roots that are heavy feeders and require a lot of nutrients to stay healthy. This is why using Seasol can help you keep your tree in a healthy state.