There’s a new trend sweeping the nation – chain link fence art, done with plastic solo cups. But if you’re looking to get into chain link fence art, you’ll want to know what size cup you need to use to get the best results.
The most common mesh sizes are between 2 1/4″ and 3 1/2″ inches, and any solo cup that has a smaller base and a larger mouth than this width of mesh will fit in the fence.
For the best solo cups for this, keep reading.
What Size Solo Cups Fit In A Chain Link Fence?
For the most common sizes of chain link fence, the most common sizes of solo cups will fit.
In most instances, chain link fence art can be done with 12 oz or 16 oz cups.
For larger sizes of chain link mesh, you might even be able to use 18 oz or 20 oz cups.
To check the current price and availability of Solo Cups, click here to view the listing on Amazon.
Determining The Right Size Solo Cup For A Chain Link Fence:
The easiest way to determine the proper size cup for a chain link fence is to measure the width of the mesh opening.
Measure from side to side, rather than corner to corner. A good cup for chain link fence art will be one with a base smaller than that measurement, and a mouth that is wider, and wide enough that it can’t be easily compressed to go through it.
Most fence mesh is 2 1/4 inches to 3 1/2 inches wide. Both 12 and 16 oz cups are about 2 1/4 inches wide at the base.
12 to 16 oz cups are generally 3 1/2 to 3 5/8 inches across at the mouth.
Larger cups may also fit, but it depends on the style and shape of the base.
Factors That Affect The Fit Of Solo Cups In A Chain Link Fence
What influences how well a cup fits into a fence? A number of factors, actually.
- Size of the mesh:
- Size of the base of the cup
- Size of the mouth of the cup
- Shape of the cup base
- Compressibility of the cup
How Do Each Of These Factors Affect The Fit?
Size of the mesh: Size of the mesh determines the size of the cups that fit, and how securely they may fit.
Size of the base of the cup: If the cup base is too large, it won’t fit through the fence mesh
Size of the mouth of the cup: If the mouth of the cup is too small, it will slide through the fence and fall out.
Rate of Expansion: If a cup mouth grows larger too fast, or in stages, it may not be easy to fit snugly into place.
Shape of the cup base: Most solo cups have round bases, but recently some lines of solo cups have come out with a square base. This can make it a better fit, or a worse one.
Compressibility of the cup: Different solo cups are made of different thicknesses of plastic. Thin plastics may be more compressible, and more likely to bend and warp out of place, where thicker plastics may be harder to manipulate.
Techniques Used For Securing Cups In A Chain Link Fence:
In good conditions, the cups can simply be wedged in place. However, in a less-than-perfect world, you can try these methods:
– Glue: A dab of glue where the cup touches the fence.
– Heavy-duty tape: Duct tape or construction tape.
– Punched holes and twist ties: You can punch holes in the cups where they meet the fence and use twist ties or yarn to secure them.
– Heavy-duty clips: Heavy duty paper clips, or other clips, can help secure the cups to the fence
All of these methods will keep the cups secured for as long as they need to be there.
Alternatives To Using Solo Cups In A Chain Link Fence:
There are some alternatives to solo cups, if you’re looking for diverse options.
– Styrofoam cups: They can be painted or dyed any color you like, as opposed to having to look for a specific color or shade. They’re also somewhat more flexible and compressible.
– Paper-mache style: Construction paper or a lighter type of paper can be pushed through the fence and set with a drop or two of glue to hold them
– Poster board: Fastened with clips or ties, this is an old favorite for fence messages. Laminated, it can be more durable and weather well.
– Plastic weaving: Woven plastic can be used to create panels. Thin plastics can even be painted to create a stained glass effect.
– Fabric weaving: Wide strips of fabric can be used to create a decorative effect, like a reinforced decorative hanging.
– PUT-IN-CUPS: A new innovation of specialty cups that can be clipped into the fence in any design you want to make
Creative Ideas For Using Solo Cups In A Chain Link Fence:
Solo cups or anything else – what can you use cups in chain link fences to do?
– You can write messages and announcements
– Declarations of support for a favorite sports team, through mascot images and initials.
– Any forms of street art, such as chain link fence murals and images.
– In 3D you can build cup sculptures, like parade floats.
– Fence as the basis for targeting games.
– Fencing used with cups to become a storage rack.
Final Thoughts:
When it comes to Solo cups and chain link fence art, the best options are usually 12 to 16 oz cups pressed snugly into place. If they need to stay in place long term, it’s relatively easy to secure them with clips, glue, or twist ties through punched holes.
If you want to be sure about getting the correct size solo cups for chain link fence art, then the best thing to do is measure the width of the mesh openings. They’ll tell you a ballpark for the widths you need at both base and mouth to get the best fit.
With or without solo cups, there are many ways to create beautiful chain link fence decorations, or meaningful messages.